Does your hair need a Protein Treatment

🗣 Does your hair need a protein or a moisture treatment? To check your hair, gather three to four strands of shed wet hair (after washing). Gently stretch each one slowly: ⭐️ If your hair doesn't stretch but it breaks/snaps, then your hair needs a moisturizing treatment. ⭐️ If your hair stretches and stays stretched your hair needs a protein treatment. ⭐️ If your hair stretches and bounces back to normal then your hair is in good condition and does not need either one of the above treatments.

Protein and moisturising deep treatments are important in a healthy hair care regimen. Protein conditioners strengthen your hair while moisturising conditioners keep your hair soft and moisturised.

Too much protein can cause your hair to become hard, and too much moisture can cause your hair to become too soft and mushy. Both situations can cause breakage so before doing a deep conditioning treatment, first check the condition of your hair.

To check your hair, gather three to four strands of shed wet hair (after washing). Gently stretch each one slowly:

⭐️ If your hair doesn't stretch but it breaks/snaps, then your hair needs a moisturizing treatment.

⭐️ If your hair stretches and stays stretched your hair needs a protein treatment.

⭐️ If your hair stretches and bounces back to normal then your hair is in good condition and does not need either one of the above treatments.

➰ Moisturising treatments

Home-made treatments are always top of the list BUT store-bought are just as good. These are quality conditioner treatments that do not contain protein. Moisturizing treatments can be done monthly if you're wearing a long-term protective style. It can also be done when your hair feels EXTRA dry, hard or brittle. This treatment should help reduce breakage. To avoid over moisturizing your hair, be sure not to go beyond the instructed time or 30 minutes. Overnight deep conditions actually lead to hygral fatigue (excessive swelling of the hair cuticle as water is absorbed, and the contracting of the hair cuticle as it dries) that causes hair to become limp, too soft and break off easily. 🙁 #sadfordayzzz

➰ Steam treatments or heat treatments

Steam treatments are the best way to get moisture into dry hair. This is especially great in between long-term protective styles and after a protein treatment.

➰ Protein treatments

Did you know, your hair is 91% protein. Deep protein conditioners add protein/strength to the hair. This helps weak hair become temporarily stronger and maintain the strength of healthy hair. It is useful if you have thin or damaged hair. Protein treatments can be done every one to two months after long term styles if your hair feels weak, mushy or too soft.

✨ Always follow a protein conditioner with a moisturizing treatment. ✨

➰ Considering protein sensitivity

Not everyone's hair responds well to protein conditioners or protein of any kind. Please read your ingredients to see what you are using. Hydrolised protein is the hint. However, and there are women, or maybe even you, whose hair becomes dry, hard and brittle when these products are used. This either means you have low porosity hair or protein sensitive hair. Henna can also cause these issues. If you've tried these products and they cause your hair to become hard and stiff, try to reduce the amount to half or avoid using products that contain these ingredients.

We hope that this post helps you understand your hair a bit more!